The Duo ANACONDA - Celso Cintra and Edu Penha - makes "Música Popular Brasileira - MPB" (Brazilian Popular Music) supported by two instruments that becomes simbols of the brazilian music: the "viola de 10 cordas" or "viola-caipira" (10 strings brazilian guitar) and the "pandeiro" (topped tambourine).
Partnership formed in 1993 and in the beginning just ANACONDA, made use of the language and the instruments from rock music, but in a peculiar way, like "art rock".
Both graduated in Composition and Conducts by the UNESP (University of the State of São Paulo), make use of that earlier experience to desenvolve a unique style of composition, transposing to the "viola-caipira" and "pandeiro" universe a matchless, vibrate and vigorous sonority, from brazilian cultural elements and varied musical information that are taken from Classical Music to the Ethnical Music.
Duo ANACONDA believes in the power and contagion of your musics attached to a demanding audience.